Manhattan Sleep Consultant
The early months of parenthood are both exciting and overwhelming. While you are learning all about your little one, the early months of your baby’s life come with challenging times. Many parents understand the struggles of sleepless nights and a fussy newborn. Yet while these things are all normal parts of having a new baby, struggling with things like sleep can begin to have effects on the mental and physical wellbeing of both you and your newborn over time, which is why early prioritization of good sleep habits is so important.
Manhattan moms don’t need to struggle with sleepless nights alone. If you are struggling with a baby or toddler who can’t sleep through the night or is struggling to fall asleep, a sleep consultant in Manhattan may be able to help relieve your family’s stress.
What does a baby sleep consultant do?
Good sleep habits are important for our entire lives and those habits start from infancy. While many parents accept that they will simply be dealing with a year or more of sleepless nights and groggy days when they decide to have a child, this isn’t the way it has to be.
A sleep consultant can positively impact your whole family by teaching you methods to help soothe your child, identifying potential problems that may be keeping your child up at night, and creating a custom strategy to get you and your baby’s sleep habits on track.
Sleep consultants work both in-home and remotely depending on the client’s preference.
What can you help with?
Infants and toddlers all come with their own unique challenges and most parents will experience sleep difficulties at some point or another. However, when those difficulties start to affect your day-to-day life and clarity, it may be time to ask for extra help. A sleep consultant can provide the extra support you may need to get you and your baby’s schedule back on track.
A certified sleep consultant can help with issues such as getting your child to sleep through the night, sleep regression issues, nap time problems, and many more common sleep difficulties.
The benefits of a good night’s sleep
Sleep is an extremely important aspect of your overall health and wellness. If your baby isn’t sleeping that means that you as a parent also are not sleeping. In order for you to be able to give your baby the best life you possibly can, you have to also remember to take care of yourself. A parent’s lack of sleep can lead to weight gain, hormonal changes, a weakened immune system, and lack of concentration. Sleep deprivation can potentially put you and your baby in harm’s way when you’re doing simple day-to-day tasks such as cooking or driving. Sleep is also important for your baby’s functionality. You want to establish early sleeping habits with your baby in order to avoid potential problems such as obesity, poor academic performance, and learning difficulties. Be sure to educate yourself on early child development and remember that consistency is key to establishing a strong sleep schedule for your little one.
How Can a Sleep Consultant in Manhattan Help My Baby and I?
Sleep consultants are infant and toddler sleep experts that can help families get their nights
back to normal by providing in-home or remote sleep training. In-home consultants especially
are helpful if you have a busy schedule in your day-to-day life. They can provide both peace of
mind and the supportive care needed for you and your baby to get back on track permanently.
SleepShop works with many certified sleep consultants that have developed a special approach
to sleep training. We tailor our techniques to each individual family’s unique parenting style and
goals. We help families ensure they find peace and joy in what can otherwise be a very chaotic
and stressful stage of life. Sleep Shop offers a multitude of services to make sure you find the
perfect fit for what you need in your home. Our services include:
● One on One Unlimited Counseling
● Sleep Class
● Phone Consultations
● 1 Week Jump Start or Tune Up
● 2 Weeks Consulting
● Toddler Total Reset
● Toddler Tune Up
We also offer manuals and guides that you can order straight to your home! These tips and
tricks are the key to help you and your little one get some rest!
● Infant Sleep Guide
● The Mini Toddler Nap Guide
● Surviving & Thriving Toddler Sleep Guide
● The Perfect Combination: Potty Training Manual
About Sleep Shop
Sleep Shop is led by Melissa, a mother of four, and is a member of the International Association of Professional Sleep Consultants.
We offer sleep consulting services in all of New York City including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Flat Iron District, Turtle Bay, Tribeca, Upper East Side, Soho, Staten Island, and the greater NYC area. Contact us today to learn more.