We all love sleep, and when a baby is on the way, we are warned by countless well-intentioned family and friends that our days (and nights) of sleep will soon be behind us! Then, once that baby is here ,one of the many things we think about besides feeling normal again and keeping this baby alive might be, WHEN IS THE NEXT TIME I WILL SLEEP?

When it comes to parenting, there are far more things that are out of our control than things we can control. However, I am here to say that sleep is not one of them! Each time family and friends will remind you to cherish your days of sleep, know that a good night’s sleep with a newborn is absolutely possible! And in fact, if you are heading back to work (whether back in the Manhattan office or from home), sleep is critical. With the help of a pediatric sleep consultant, you are guaranteed to get your little one sleeping through the night as long as you follow their specific guidelines. Guaranteed? That’s hard to believe, otherwise why wouldn’t everyone be doing it?

How Can a Sleep Consultant Help?

As a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant that has been practicing for over a decade, I can sincerely say that every baby that I have worked with since the moment they came home from the hospital has been sleeping 11-12 hours though the night by the time they were 10-12 weeks of age. Yes, ALL of them. And there were NO tears. It took work and consistency, but it was possible. Training a baby to sleep through the night is a team effort. A sleep consultant works with you and your baby to set the foundation that eventually becomes a sleep schedule.  Something I always remind new parents of, and even myself sometimes, is that babies are not robots. But they all were not only sleeping through the night by 3 months old, they had establish healthy and independent sleep foundations that have carried them through childhood!

Can a Blog Help Me Train My Baby to Sleep?

Yes of course! But no two babies are alike and having someone walk you through the process is so helpful. Some babies will follow all the “general rules” but most of them will not. So what do you do if the tips you learned from a blog, a video, or a friend don’t work? As a consultant I offer UNLIMITED support. Meaning you can reach out at ANY time with ANY question and I help walk my clients through what to do. Having a sleep consultant means you have a constant friend who not only offers guidance and reassurance but emotional support as well- and who doesn’t want that postpartum?!? We find this peace of mind critical for the countless moms and dads we are working with.

Hiring a sleep consultant is a financial investment as well as an emotional one. I promise the benefits FAR outweigh the costs and you will reap the benefits in no time. Getting your baby to sleep by the first 3 months gives you so much more than sleep. It also gives you time for you. Now you can take that extra time to hit the gym, catch up on some reading, meet up with a friend at that new coffee shop in Brooklyn, take a walk-through Central Park, or even just enjoy some alone time.  If you are a working mom, like many of our moms with high-stress jobs in finance and law, you’ll finally have the energy to answer emails or respond to work calls when your baby is napping consistently during the day and sleeping all night long (remember they sleep 11-12 hours!).

Many people know how to lose weight and get in shape without a personal trainer, but the truth is, they have more success when they hire one. We all thrive with support, accountability and someone cheering us on. I love not only watching my clients see success with their baby’s sleep and schedule- I love seeing their confidence grow as they meet their baby’s need, find time for themselves, bond with their little one while all getting the sleep they so desperately need! Hiring a sleep consultant is one of the best things you can do not only for your baby, it’s one of the best things you can do for yourself!