The Two Essentials of Successful Sleep Training

Whether you’re in the trenches of sleep training or just learning about different methods to finally get your little one to sleep through the night, any experienced parent will tell you that sleep training comes with its challenges. Unfortunately, as you try to enforce healthy sleep habits for your baby, it can actually mean even less sleep for you in the short-term.

No matter what approach you take to sleep training, the reality is that the new adjustments will cause some fussiness for your baby and some anxiety for you. However, Sleep Shop is here to lead you through this time and offer our guidance from years of experience to help make your journey just a little bit easier.

In this article, we will discuss the two essential things New York moms need to sleep train successfully, and you can’t buy them at your local baby store! Read on to find out how you can add a little relief and a whole lot of success to your sleep training efforts.

Essential #1: Consistency

Being consistent with new sleep training routines is one of the most difficult things for tired parents. We understand that when you are exhausted the temptation to bring your baby into bed with you and finally get some much needed shut eye is tempting, but trust us that these long nights WILL pay off.

Once you have researched and established what approach you are going to take to sleep training it is important that you stick to it for a set amount of time.

Failing to be consistent can also cause confusion for your baby on how to self soothe, when they are supposed to be asleep, and where they are supposed to sleep.

Consistency is good for you and your little one and is a cornerstone to sleep training.

Essential #2: Support

Sleep training can feel like a lonely road. You’re exhausted, running on fumes, and it can feel like it is never going to get better. However, with a little patience, we promise that it will.

The first and foremost person it is important to get support from is your partner. It is crucial that sleep training is a tandem effort that involves both parents working to get the child on a healthy sleep schedule. It can also be incredibly helpful to listen to the experiences of those who have been where you are. Consider joining a mom group in-person or online to vent about your struggles and hear about the experiences of those who have been through the sleep training process. You may get some very helpful suggestions from people who have had hands on experience! Plus, there is nothing like mom support!

Finally, if you need an extra layer of support, a sleep consultant can offer professional in-home or remote help to give you rest and peace-of-mind. Sleep consultants can evaluate your unique situation to determine a plan of action that will be most effective for you and your baby and help instill better sleep habits in your home right away.

About Sleep Shop

The Sleep Shop is led by Melissa, a mother of four, and is a member of the International Association of Professional Sleep Consultants.

We offer one-one-one unlimited consultingsleep classes with our founderphone consultations1-week jumpstartsinfant sleep guides2 weeks of consultingtoddler nap guidestoddler sleep guidestoddler total resets, and “the toddler tune-up”.

We offer sleep consulting services in all of New York City including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Flat Iron District, Turtle Bay, Tribeca, Upper East Side, Soho, Staten Island, and the greater NYC area.

Contact us today to learn more.

By |2021-07-21T21:51:28+00:00July 12th, 2021|NYC|Comments Off on The Two Essentials of Successful Sleep Training

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About the Author:

SleepShop is your partner for infant sleep training and family care, ensuring the first months are as joy-filled as they should be!
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