When deciding to have a baby, many city-dwelling parents question if they should make the move to the country or suburbs to raise a family. However, the reality is that many parents successfully raise their children in some of the busiest cities of America! In fact, raising your child in a busy city has some unique benefits that you won’t find anywhere else.


At Sleep Shop we work with moms in busy urban areas including New York City. We can help you navigate the early stages of your baby and toddler’s life to make your nights restful from the start.


The Benefits of City Living


There are so many amazing things about living in a city like New York and being a parent. While things might move at a fast pace, there are endless options for parents to get involved with the community and keep both themselves and their children connected, entertained, and educated at any age.


In addition to community activities like mommy groups, workouts, parks, and more, there are also unique amenities like cabs with pre-installed car seats, grocery delivery, and stroller cleaning—all of which are priceless for new moms.



How to Continue Your City Lifestyle After Becoming a Parent


If you are used to a busy day around the city, a new baby can feel overwhelming. Babies require ample sleep, multiple changes, and several feedings throughout the day. However, with the right equipment, you can bring your baby with you wherever you go!


Making sure your baby can nap comfortably wherever you go is important so that they don’t get overtired and have trouble sleeping at night. We recommend getting your baby a comfortable sleep carrier that can be carried to or integrate with their stroller.


If you are on the go, we also recommend trying to stick to a regular feeding schedule and being able to get back home in time for your regular bedtime routine.


Sleeping Considerations


There are environmental factors unique to cities like New York that parents will have to consider when it comes to their baby’s sleep.


If you live in a busy area, you may have loud noises such as jackhammers, ambulances, car horns, or other things that can easily wake a light sleeper. If you can, try to move your baby into a room that is away from the noises of the outside. Other options include trying out white noise machines or a lullaby CD.


If you decide to stay in the city, picking a location that has less noise, easy entry, and convenient elevator access (if you live in an apartment) are all important considerations that can make a big difference once your baby arrives.


About Sleep Shop


The Sleep Shop is led by Melissa, a mother of four, and is a member of the International Association of Professional Sleep Consultants.

We offer one-one-one unlimited consultingsleep classes with our founderphone consultations1-week jumpstartsinfant sleep guides2 weeks of consultingtoddler nap guidestoddler sleep guidestoddler total resets, and “the toddler tune-up”.

We offer sleep consulting services in all of New York City including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Flat Iron District, Turtle Bay, Tribeca, Upper East Side, Soho, Staten Island, and the greater NYC area.

Contact us today to learn more.