When to drop a nap… The million dollar question. No mom wants to suffer the consequences of taking away a child’s nap too soon, but waiting too long can also have its downsides. So what’s a mom-on-a-schedule to do?

One bad nap or even a series of bad naps does not necessarily signal that baby is “done” with naps. But it could also be exactly what it means.

Signs it is time to drop a nap

Read on for signs that your baby or toddler is ready to drop a nap include…

  • Your child begins waking {too} early in the morning.
  • Your child begins fighting a nap.
  • Your child is not tired at their appropriate bedtime {a potential sign that they are getting too much daytime sleep}
  • Your child begins sleeping well past their normal morning wake time.
  • Your baby is able to stay awake longer in the morning without an early first nap.

During the transition

The nap dropping transition may be stressful for mom and child. After all, it probably feels like everyone  has just gotten comfortable with the way things are! Patience is key during this time. If your child begins fighting bedtime due to being overtired you need to work more slowly through the transition. You can expect that your child will be more tired during the day as you transition to less naps, but they should still be able to go to bed without protest. As with any type of sleep transition, dropping a nap will take some time and patience, but making sure your child get the correct amount of daytime sleep is one of the keys to better nighttime sleep and to an overall happy, well-rested child.

For a quick tutorial on whether baby is ready to drop a nap, check out Melissa’s YouTube video!