TEAM: Megan Pierson | Colleen Newhall | Jess Hudson | Cameron Liddell | Alicia Schoch |
Carly Kenihan | Ashley Barnes | Heather Walker | Alyse Kearney
Meet Megan
Megan Pierson brings to Sleep Shop extensive experience in early childhood education and has a passion for assisting children and their families to lead happy and healthy lives.
She holds a BA from USC, Teaching Credentials from CSU Long Beach, and a Masters in Special Education from Chapman University.
While she spent six years at Santa Ana Unified School District, she implemented training programs geared for parents and their preschool-aged children. Megan knows firsthand the positive effect of creating and maintaining schedules and daily routines in promoting healthy living for all children.
Having spent over 400 days in the hospital with her middle child who was born with a severe heart defect, Megan and her husband learned the true importance of parents being a cohesive team and creating quality sleep patterns and schedules for all family members.
After years of research and speaking with doctors and mothers, Megan has recently completed, Yes, You Can!, a Pediatrician backed, easy to follow potty training/sleep routine manual. She teaches sleep, behavior, and potty training classes and also works with individual families throughout the United States. As potty training is one of the first chances children have to show their independence and take pride in their accomplishments, Megan sees this time as a wonderful bonding period for parents and their children.
She gives hope to all parents experiencing the “terrible twos” and having a “threenager”.