If you’re expecting or have a newborn and are reading this, you’re already on your way to the most ideal sleep for your baby at each stage. Starting early will ensure your baby very naturally learns great sleep habits and is getting optimal sleep for their age. It also makes the process of teaching sleep much easier. Your first steps will be very simple with two main goals and 3 rules. Focus on these for the first few weeks [...]

By |2024-05-01T17:38:42+00:00May 1st, 2024|Uncategorized|Comments Off on BABY IS HERE. NOW WHAT?

Dealing with Separation Anxiety

It can feel like everything is going perfect with your baby. They are eating, playing, and socializing well, and then comes bedtime. They begin to settle down and just as you leave the room they begin to cry. What’s wrong? You’re following a routine, ensuring that your baby isn’t overtired, and working on independent sleep skills— but your child seems to know the second you leave the room. Separation anxiety is very real and can be a huge impediment in [...]

By |2021-09-01T02:59:44+00:00September 1st, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Dealing with Separation Anxiety

Toddler Sleep Help

Though tiny, toddlers have a lot going on! They are learning about the world around them and discovering many new things for the first time. All of this exploring and development has a massive impact on your little one's sleep. You may have noticed that your child's sleep needs don't look the same as the first day you brought him or her home from the hospital. While some nights may look far better, you may be dealing with entirely new [...]

By |2021-09-01T02:52:50+00:00August 31st, 2021|Los Angeles, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Toddler Sleep Help

Why isn’t my toddler sleeping?

Does your toddler hate bedtime? Are they having trouble sleeping through the night? Toddlers require a lot of sleep everyday and when they aren’t getting enough in a 24 hour period, it can lead to a fair amount of behavioral issues. During the first few years of their lives, your child is physically and mentally developing at a very rapid rate and sleep is a vital contributing factor when it comes to getting them through this process. When your baby [...]

By |2021-06-17T15:19:07+00:00June 15th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Why isn’t my toddler sleeping?

Sleep Health is Maternal Health: Why NYC Moms Should Prioritize Sleep Habits

Many pregnant women anticipate that the next few years of their lives will be filled with sleepless nights and tired days. While it feels like common sense to think that having a child can mean less sleep, few people ask why we have to sacrifice rest for parenthood, and it’s time that we do. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 74% of stay-at-home moms report insomnia but working parents can be just as affected too, experiencing problems with performance and [...]

By |2021-06-15T03:05:35+00:00May 30th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Sleep Health is Maternal Health: Why NYC Moms Should Prioritize Sleep Habits

4 Signs it’s time to work with a sleep consultant in New York City

Are you having a hard time getting your baby to sleep through the night? Is your sleep schedule is out-of-sorts because both of you aren’t getting enough rest? It could be time to look into getting a sleep consultant. Sleep consultants are infant and toddler sleep specialists that can help families get their nights back to normal by providing remote or in-home sleep training. They can give you the relief and the supportive care needed for you and your baby [...]

By |2021-05-28T19:39:53+00:00May 23rd, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 4 Signs it’s time to work with a sleep consultant in New York City

Sleep training isn’t just for your baby

Are you experiencing a continual lack of sleep since having your baby? Extended periods of time with sleep deprivation can have a major impact on your health and wellness. I’ll keep this post as focused as possible — knowing that even your attention span and ability to retain info is compromised because of your lack of sleep. I understand, I have clients everyday messaging me for help because their lives, health, and work have been severely compromised because they are [...]

By |2021-01-27T15:31:38+00:00February 11th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Sleep training isn’t just for your baby

Empower Your Baby With Independent Sleep

Want to help your baby have the best start to life? A life where your baby feels confident, capable, and well-rested? Imagine how that will make you feel too. If that sounds good to you, keep reading. Why is learning independent sleep is so important for babies? Babies who have learned and developed a process for independent sleep are capable of putting themselves to sleep at the start of the night. As well as in the middle of the night, [...]

By |2021-01-27T15:43:50+00:00February 4th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Empower Your Baby With Independent Sleep

Why is sleep training so hard?

Trying to get your baby to sleep on their own but not having the success you desire? Does your baby keep fighting your efforts and refuse to sleep anywhere besides on your chest? First, let me say, I understand and I have some advice to help you through this journey. So keep on reading. Secondly, you are not alone. Please show yourself some grace right now. Sleep training is something I specialize in, but it is a new skillset for [...]

By |2021-01-27T15:43:01+00:00January 28th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Why is sleep training so hard?

Remembering Our Babies

Remembering Our Babies As many of you know October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month. Though I feel so privileged to work with families and babies from all over the world, I know that not every couple’s journey to parenthood is free from struggle and loss. This month we are reminded to remember and pray for all the parents out there grieving the loss of their baby or babies and honor all those little lives that were taken so [...]

By |2020-10-15T17:07:17+00:00October 15th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Remembering Our Babies
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